Cold Sores

Cold Sores

Cold sores is caused by specific strains of the herpes virus which causes the mouth area, usually at the center of the lip to become blistered. Cold sores are contagious, and spread from skin to skin contact. Whether your baby will have periodic bouts of cold sores or whether they will be largely without symptoms is often unpredictable. Read these articles to educate yourself about your baby´s cold sores.

More about Cold Sores in babies

Does Your Baby have Cold Sores?
Does Your Baby have Cold Sores?
Cold sores are relatively rare for babies before the age of two, and for the most part, are only a minor nuisance even for those that have recurrent outbreaks. However, for parents that have cold sores, be very careful around your newborn baby if you have an existing outbreak..
Skin Infections:

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