Baby Acne

Questions about Baby Acne

Babies too, can have acne

Almost everyone associates acne with teenage boys, but in truth, acne is not restricted to teenagers or to boys. Women get acne, as well as older people. In fact, your baby could also have acne. It is interesting that much about the cause and mechanism of acne formation is still unknown to us. In baby acne, however, it is thought that the mother´s hormones during late pregnancy has an effect on the baby´s skin, and the baby isn't yet able to handle the overdose of hormones, resulting in baby acne.

How acne is developed

If your baby started to develop rashes around the nose, forehead, cheeks, and sometimes the chin area, in its first two months, chances are that he or she has acne. Baby acne generally starts around two to three weeks after birth, however, they may be born with some amount of acne. The acne can last up to two months, but generally subsides without any medical treatment. In general, the acne is very mild, and unlike teenage acne, scarring is extremely rare.

Mind your baby´s sensitive skin

Treating your baby´s acne is more about what not to do, than a list of things to do. The most important thing to keep in mind is that babies have thinner, more sensitive skin compared to adults. Their skin is still fragile, and will not be able to handle the harsh and often irritating acne ingredients in traditional acne medication. In fact, no treatment is often the best course of action, as even over-washing can cause your baby´s skin to further dry out and become aggravated. Keep the baby´s face clean from dried milk, dirt, and dust, but do not wash too often or too vigorously. If the condition appears not to clear or improve, contact your pediatrician.

Skin Conditions:

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